You are what you eat. This is absolutely true for your gut and IBS diet. Whatever you put in your mouth has an overwhelming impact on your gut. Deteriorating gut health can affect the functions of your whole body and mind. To keep your body functions at a top-notch level, you should think about your gut health seriously. Just check out the below information and follow them to the tee to improve your gut health.
Pull the Offender
The first step to improve your gut health is to remove the offending food ingredients out of your diet. You should keep in mind that the pre-packed foods often contain some ingredients that are making your abdomen worse. Thus, always check the ingredients of the pre-packed food to maintain the gut health Dublin. Stick to the unprocessed whole foods which are merciful to your gut. Here is a list of offending foods that you should blacklist.
Dairy: Don’t listen to whatever the milk industry says. This ingredient does not work wonders for your body. Most people cannot digest casein and whey protein that is found in milk that can deteriorate the gut health.
Gluten: This ingredient gives foods a nice texture. The porous look of the bread comes due to the presence of gluten. The problem is most people cannot digest gluten. In fact, most people do not have any idea that they are sensitive to this ingredient.
Soy: This ingredient acts as an antibiotic inside your gut and kills the good bacteria. If you are searching for a healthy and happy gut, then you should shun soy from your IBS diet.
Corn: Most of today’s corn is genetically modified. It is best not to include this in your regular diets.
Lectins and Phytates: All gluten-laden grains contain these anti-nutrients. These ingredients help to create small holes in your intestine through which partially digested food particles can slip through. This leads to inflammation and potential autoimmune response.
Eggs: Most commercial eggs that are available in the market contain food allergens of corn and soy. To retain your gut health Dublin, you should always go for the organic eggs.
Nightshades: Tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, all come under this family. The problem is the nightshade family produces a natural insect repellent which can affect humans negatively. Even if you consume cooked nightshades, you can suffer from problems like autoimmune disorders and arthritic conditions.
Sugar: By far everybody knows the bad effects of sugar. Researchers have found that consuming sugar can lead to problems like candida and dysbiosis.
To know which of the common offender is wreaking havoc in your gut, stop consuming them completely for some time. Then reintroduce them to your diet and check whether they are creating any reactions. Don’t forget to take help of professionals if necessary.
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