Thursday, 28 July 2016

All You Need to Know About Colonic Irrigation Dublin

Colonic Irrigation or Colonic hydrotherapy as it is popularly known as is a detoxification process to cleanse the body and rejuvenate your vitality. This process of cleansing your internal tubes is an alternative, safe method to tackle various symptoms and discomforts you might be experiencing. The gentle rinsing of your colon with warm or herb water cleanses it of any encrusted fecal matter, mucous or gas and leaves you feeling de-stressed and overall more comfortable. In short, you should try and go for a colonic irrigation Dublin at least once a year.

Why is it necessary?
Cleansing is needed to let your body get rid of toxins that accumulate as a side effect of having a diet cluttered with unhealthy food, pollution, chemicals and toxins. When we consume food that is not easily digested, the colon produces slimy substance called mucous to protect itself. This mixes with the sludge left behind by processed foods and forms a gluey layer on the walls of the colon, thus making it difficult for the feces to pass efficiently.

This layer of unwanted waste material prevents the colonic walls to perform their function of absorbing nutrients and discharging toxins from your body. With time, this leads to improper absorption of nutrients and can further cause various illnesses such as constipation, bloating, fatigue, weight gain, skin irritations and body aches.

What are its benefits?
The benefits of this technique are innumerable. Colonic irrigation Dublin is a detoxifying treatment without this element is taken to be complete. Some beneficial effects of the process include increase in energy and improved circulation, healthier skin and mental peacefulness.

It can also kick start your weight losing process and relief from bloating by eliminating stagnant waste matter from the body. Colon hydrotherapy is known to improve immunity and assist the body in overcoming constipation, diarrhea and indigestion to name a few.

Colon hydrotherapy can support your immune system to take care of itself, by allowing it to breathe and gives a chance to the lymph system to effectively cleanse the body.

Is it safe?
Colonics are done in a safe and sterile surrounding to avoid transmission of harmful bacteria and other infections. All equipment used are sterilized or disposed after every use.

Before having the treatment started, talk to your practitioner about the process and have all your questions answered in total privacy, in order to be fully prepared. It will also help you lessen any nervousness that you may have.