Monday, 14 March 2016

Why Your Body Needs a Good Colonic Irrigation Dublin

Ever thought of going to a health clinic to get your colon cleansed? Well, here is what you should know about colonic irrigation Dublin and why is it good for your health.

Colonic Irrigation and How Everyone Can Benefit From It

Colon cleansing helps to break down the toxic excrement that accumulates in your body so that it can leave no harmful impact on your health. The built-in toxins are removed using a gentle process of treatment, enabling your colon to function properly. Colonic irrigation is a kind of rejuvenation treatment, which helps patients to maintain a healthy digestive track by eradicating troubles such as bloating, indigestion and constipation. It can also be touted for other unrelated problems like skin problems, fatigue, fertility, etc.

Human beings are living in a toxic age, where additives in food packages, pesticides on crops and pollution around us are doing more harm than good. A good colon irrigation process begins with preparing your body for the therapy by following a strict diet chart -

Diet Chart before the Treatment

·         Eating slightly steamed or raw vegetables
·         Trying to avoid vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli
·         Eating fruits before or after the consumption of vegetables
·         Saying no to meats and chickens, eggs, yogurt, cheese, milk, coffee or soda
·         Drinking plenty of water

Diet Chart on the Day of the Treatment

·         Following same routine like before
·         Drinking only water two to three hours before sitting down for the colonics

What Colonic Irrigation Does to Your Body other than Cleansing

#1- Colon Muscle Exercise

The built-up toxins weaken the colon muscles, thus impairing the functions. The treatment involves gentle filling and emptying of the colon, which improves your muscular contraction or the peristalsis. Your colon muscles can function efficiently and remove waste materials naturally.

#2- Colon Reshape

Sometimes, problems may arise that can cause the accumulated toxin wastes to not get a proper passage out. This can alter the shape and create more problems. The gentle water action and the expert massage techniques eliminate this problem, leading the colon to resume its natural function.

#3 - Reflex Points Stimulation

There are various reflex points that connect the colon to different parts of a body. Colonic irrigation helps to stimulate these points, which brings beneficial effects to a human body.

There are other benefits of going for colonic irrigation Dublin cleansing that many are not aware of. Make sure that you reach the right medical center, equipped with advanced infrastructural facilities and certified specialists.